Plain Rice | Bhaat | Chawal

A comprehensive guide to making restaurant-style plain rice that’s perfect for pairing with your favorite curries, like butter chicken. With just a few basic ingredients and easy steps, you’ll have delicious rice ready in no time. Let’s get cooking!


Chili chicken is a popular Indo-Chinese dish loved for its crispy fried chicken coated in spicy chili sauce. Whether you serve it as an appetizer or pair it with noodles or fried rice, chili chicken is a hit every time.

Dal Khichdi | Using Instant Pot

Dal Khichdi is a nutritious Indian dish crafted from rice and moong lentils, infused with aromatic spices for a delicious lunch or dinner. This one-pot wonder tastes best when served with fried chili and garlic, papad, and pickles. It’s an ultimate go-to for dinner after a heavy lunch or during rushed moments, or when someone’s feeling under the weather.

Dal Amti

Amti Dal is a well-loved type of dal fry from Maharashtra. Here’s a simple guide to making it great every time. Enjoy it with rice or roti for a delicious meal!

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